
Unexpected Signs of Stress

October 19, 2024

Is Your Cortisol Running High? Here’s How to Calm Down Signs of Stress…

Shanie Matthews

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500-hr-RYT, YACEP Yoga Alliance registered Yoga and Meditation Teacher and C-IAYT Yoga Therapist trained by the Ananda School of Yoga & Meditation.


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Signs of stress plays a bigger role in our day to day, more than we might realize.

Life today can feel like a non-stop roller coaster. For many, signs of stress has become a normal part of daily life. While it’s natural to experience some stress, prolonged periods can lead to high cortisol levels. This affects your well-being in ways you might not expect.

Here are a few surprising signals that your cortisol levels may be higher than they should be:

  • Random muscle spasms or cramps: If your eyelid twitches or your calves cramp up without reason, it could be your body’s way of saying it’s stressed out.
  • Persistent cravings for intense flavors: Ever find yourself reaching for salty snacks or sweets when things get hectic? Your cortisol levels might be to blame.
  • Trouble remembering things or focusing: Feeling more forgetful lately? Stress can impair your memory and concentration, leaving you feeling foggy.
  • Teeth grinding (even when you’re asleep): Stress doesn’t stop when you close your eyes, and high cortisol can manifest as jaw tension or grinding at night.
  • Unexplained belly weight: High cortisol levels often lead to stubborn belly fat that doesn’t budge, even with a healthy diet.
  • Difficulty switching gears: If shifting from one task to another feels like trying to climb a mountain, it could be a sign that stress is taking its toll.
  • Heightened stress before simple appointments: Do you find yourself overly anxious before a routine meeting or event? Elevated cortisol can cause you to feel more on edge.
  • Recurring colds or slow recovery: Chronic stress weakens your immune system, making it harder for your body to fight off illnesses.
  • Odd sleep habits, like curling into tight positions: High cortisol can keep your body on alert, even during sleep, leading to tense, uncomfortable sleeping positions.
  • Spontaneous cleaning binges: If you find yourself compulsively tidying or rearranging, it could be your brain’s way of coping with stress through a sense of control.

Bringing Signs of Stress Back Into Balance

If any of these signs of stress sound familiar, don’t worry. There are effective ways to bring your cortisol levels back down. One of the best tools for managing stress is somatic exercise. Unlike traditional workouts, these gentle movements focus on releasing physical tension and calming the mind. They can be done almost anywhere, with no special equipment required.

Practicing somatic exercises regularly, even just a few minutes a day, can help:

  • Reduce physical tension and pain
  • Lower anxiety and calm racing thoughts
  • Improve your ability to handle everyday stress
  • Enhance overall relaxation and well-being

Start Your 30-Day Somatic Reset

Taking control of stress doesn’t have to be complicated. Imagine dedicating just two minutes each day for 30 days to reset your body’s response to stress. Somatic exercises are designed to be quick, easy, and effective, making them the perfect addition to even the busiest routine.

Ready to see how a 30-day somatic journey can transform your stress levels? Give yourself the gift of calm, clarity, and better overall health by starting today. Your mind and body will thank you. 🌱

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