The negative side effects of medications are a real thing.
Pharmaceutical pills are offered to cure a giant spectrum of things including – but definitely not limited to – pain, mental illness, and obesity. But the “cure” can also cause issues that far outweigh the initial problem. Instead of turning to a little pill for health, it is actually much cheaper and easier on the body to turn to the ancient practices of yoga.
Many may hear the word yoga and think that it has to do with putting your body into a pretzel, or is only for skinny, fit people, but, really, yoga is a way for men and women to connect with their healthiest, happiest self. Yoga is one of those practices that if done on a daily basis – for as little as two minutes – can bring immense positivity to the body, mind, and connection to purpose.

That may seem like a lot of upbeat side effects for something that requires little more than a few minutes a day. For those that are still on the fence, here are few more reasons why yoga is good for you:
It’s good for your circulation.
Have cold hands or feet? Yoga will take that problem away with stimulating the length of the breath and the impact upon cells from the extra oxygen.
It makes you look younger.
Yoga, because of the huge importance that it puts on an elongated breath, helps keep the skin from head to toe looking healthier and more radiant.
It lowers blood pressure.
With the deeper breathing, yoga helps the body to increase blood circulation and lower blood pressure while at the same time increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood.
Intestinal issues are assisted.
Do you have problems with your belly or bowel functions? Yoga, through the various exercises in combination with the deep breathing, helps promote digestion and eradication of toxins in the stomach, intestines and bowels.
Your immune system is strengthened.
Yoga has been shown to help increase immune function, assisting in avoiding catching that yearly flu or nasty cold.

It builds a strong heart.
Yoga helps with cardiovascular endurance, helping to lower heart rate and decrease opportunity for plaque buildup.
It helps deal with pain.
Yoga teaches how to deal with pain, and eradicates pain through a few different means. The breath helps to relax. The moves help to detoxify and stimulate circulation as well as offer space for healing. And the two together, movement and breath, provide a tool for a quiet mind which assists greatly in dealing with pain.
Yoga is a natural way to stay thin.
The practice of yoga evens out the metabolism and builds muscle at the same time, helping to create a leaner physique. It also creates a deeper connection to self, which promotes healthier eating.
It creates great posture.
Through incorporating all of the muscles, yoga assists in having healthy posture, which decreases back pain and headaches.
Sleep is more restful.
Yoga is great for those suffering from insomnia. It teaches various ways to quiet the mind, making falling into a good slumber more easily obtained.
This is just a super small sample of all of the positive side effects that come from creating a sustainable yoga practice that supports you in being your healthiest, happiest self. Interested to learn more? Sign up now for a quick 15 minute FREE consultation to see how yoga therapy can help you.
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